Welcome to the Delegations Page

Financial Matters

Apply for Borrowings from Financial Institutions
To apply for borrowings from financial institutions following a Resolution of Council in accordance with section 377(1)(f) of the Local Government Act 1993.
2 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Approve Credit Notes
To Approve Credit Notes.
5 positions

Approve Payment to Contractors and Creditors
Approve Payment to Contractors and Creditors including the release of any retention money, bank guarantee or bond held by Council as security.
13 positions

Arrange for Payment by Instalment - Accounts Receivable
To make arrangements with debtor for payment to be made by reasonable and satisfactory instalments.
7 positions

Arrange the Investment of Money not immediately required by Council
Arrange the investment of money as per Council’s Investments Policy that is not for the time being required by the Council for any other purpose. Any money may only be invested in a form of investment notified by order of the Minister and published in the Government Gazette.
6 positions

Authorise Expenditure
To commit and authorise expenditure within the area of operation and budget for which the delegate is responsible, subject to the limitations of other delegations, and in accordance with Council policies. Limit up to $100,000.00
10 positions

Authorise Expenditure
To commit and authorise expenditure within the area of operation and budget for which the delegate is responsible, subject to the limitations of other delegations, and in accordance with Council policies. Limit unlimited
2 positions

Authorise Expenditure
To commit and authorise expenditure within the area of operation and budget for which the delegate is responsible, subject to the limitations of other delegations, and in accordance with Council policies. Limit up to $25,000.00
5 positions

Authorise Expenditure
To commit and authorise expenditure within the area of operation and budget for which the delegate is responsible, subject to the limitations of other delegations, and in accordance with Council policies. Limit up to $10,000.00
6 positions

Authorise Expenditure
To commit and authorise expenditure within the area of operation and budget for which the delegate is responsible, subject to the limitations of other delegations, and in accordance with Council policies. Limit up to $5,000.00
1 position

Authorise Expenditure
To commit and authorise expenditure within the area of operation and budget for which the delegate is responsible, subject to the limitations of other delegations, and in accordance with Council policies. Limit up to $2,000.00
1 position
Authorise Expenditure for Urgent Works outside Budget Approved by Council
To authorise expenditure outside the budget approved by Council in order to undertake urgent works to reduce or eliminate a significant health or safety hazard.
12 positions

Authorise Payment of Salaries and Wages
To authorise the payment of salaries and wages subject to two signatories for each authorisation.
12 positions

Authorise the Issue of Accounts for Services provided by Council
Authorise the Issue of Accounts for Services provided by Council.
12 positions

Authorise the reduction for water and wastewater consumption charges up to a maximum amount of $10,000
To reduce water and wastewater consumption charges in accordance with the Undetected Leak Policy for Water and Wastewater Charges up to a maximum of $10,000.00.
4 positions

Authorise the Refund of Application Fees
To authorise the refund of all or part of the fees paid for:
(a) applications under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, including development applications, complying development certificate applications, and building information certificate applications; and
(b) applications under Part 1 of Chapter 7 of the Local Government Act 1993;
where the application is either not to proceed, or is withdrawn subsequent to assessment. 
Note: Delegate authorising refund officer is not to be the officer recommending refund.
3 positions

Authorise the waiver or reduction of non-business activity fees up to a maximum of $20,000 in any one transaction
To waive or reduce non-business activity fees (pursuant to 610E of the Local Government Act 1993) up to a maximum of $20,000.00 in any one transaction in accordance with those categories described in the current adopted Operational Plan and in line with the requirements of any applicable Council policy.
2 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Authority to Require the Lodgement of a Cash Bond or Bank Guarantee
Authority to Require the Lodgement of a Cash Bond or Bank Guarantee Including the authority for the release of Cash Bonds or Bank Guarantees.
12 positions

Check and Certify the Annual Statutory Accounts
Check and Certify the Annual Statutory Accounts.
5 positions

Complete all Financial Certifications
To complete all financial certifications required by the Local Government Act 1993 and Local Government Act (General) Regulation 2021.
5 positionsLocal Government Act 1993 and Local Government (General) Regulation 2021

Engage Consultants to assist Council projects
Engage Consultants to assist Council projects subject to compliance with the Local Government Act 1993 and the Law.
12 positions

Grant Rebate of Rates
To grant rebates of rates to qualified rateable persons in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993.
6 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Negotiate Council’s Overdraft Limit
Negotiate Council’s Overdraft Limit.
4 positions

Obtain Quotations and Authorise Purchase Orders
To obtain quotations and to authorise the purchase of, and issue official orders for goods, works and services required for the functioning of the Council and to incur expenditure for such goods, works and services (excluding that for the purchase of major items or works, plant, and/or motor vehicles) provided that and subject to:
a) due provision has been made in the approved Budget for the incurring of such expenditure; or
b) the incurring of such expenditure is otherwise authorised as per Council's policy.
This delegation does NOT permit the delegate to: 
(c) accept tenders which are required by the Local Government Act 1993 to be invited by Council; or
(d) execute or sign any Contracts, Deeds or Agreements that create a legally binding commitment upon Council (as separately delegated pursuant to DEG058)
25 positions

Refund of Over-Payments
To authorise the refund of all over-payments subject to appropriate certification.
4 positions

Refund Trust Fund Deposits
To refund trust fund deposits upon appropriate certification and recommendation.
5 positions

Sell or Dispose of Old Materials, Spoilt or Obsolete Equipment
Sell or Dispose of Old Materials, Spoilt or Obsolete Equipment.
5 positions

Sign and Countersign Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT), Direct Debits and Cheques drawn on Council’s Bank Account
Sign and Countersign Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT), Direct Debits and Cheques drawn on Council’s Bank Account.
12 positions

Write off Accrued Interest on Rates and Charges
Write off accrued interest on rates and charges in accordance with section 567 of the Local Government Act 1993.
5 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Write-Off Uncollectable Debt (for Charges and Sundry Debtors)
To authorise the writing off of uncollectable debts (for charges and sundry debtors) up to a maximum amount of $20,000.
5 positions


Act as Code of Conduct Complaints Coordinator and/ OR as Alternate Complaints Coordinator
Act as Code of Conduct Complaints Coordinator and Alternate Complaints Coordinator.
5 positions

Act as Council’s Public Officer
To act as the Public Officer in relation to functions contained within section 343 of the Local Government Act 1993.
2 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Appoint Staff to Consultative Committee and Health and Safety Committe
(a) Appoint management/employer representatives to the Staff Consultative Committee and the Health and Safety Committee (b) Consider and determine matters arising from the Staff Consultative Committee and the Health and Safety Committee.
2 positions

Approve the Destruction of Corporate Documentation
Authority to approve the destruction of corporate documentation or the transfer of corporate documentation to State Records in accordance with Council’s Records Disposal Schedule and the State Records Act 1998.
4 positionsState Records Act 1998

Authorise Action on General Complaints about Staff from an External Source
To authorise action to be taken by the appropriate officer in regard to any complaints or requests received, where the complaint is from an external source.
2 positions

Authorise Action on General Complaints about Staff from an Internal Source
To authorise action to be taken by the appropriate officer in regard to any complaints or requests received, where the complaint is from an internal source.
2 positions

Determine Applications under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
To determine formal applications for access to Council information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
5 positions
Determine Applications under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
To determine applications for review of formal application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

(a) Internal review of a decision is not available if the decision is made by the principal officer of the agency.
(b) An internal review is not to be done by the person who made the original decision and is not to be done by a person who is less senior than the person who made the original decision.
4 positions
Installation, operation and retrieval of CCTV cameras and their footage
(a) Approve the viewing and/or retrieval of stored CCTV footage (b) Approve installation of new CCTV cameras (c) Maintain the register of fixed CCTV camera locations
5 positions

Investigate Complaints about Family Day Carers under Child Protection Policy
Investigate Complaints about Family Day Carers under Child Protection Policy. Note: Carers are also known as Educators.
0 positions

Investigate Complaints about Staff under Child Protection Policy
Investigate Complaints about Staff under Child Protection Policy.
4 positions

Make or Authorise Public and Media Statements involving Council in line with Council’s Media Policy
(a) To make or authorise public statements. (b) Issue media releases on matters involving the Council.
12 positions

Manage the renewal and maintenance of Australian Communications and Media Authority radio transmission licences
Manage the renewal and maintenance of Australian Communications and Media Authority radio transmission licences as they apply to Council and in accordance with the Radiocommunications Act 1992 (Cth) and administer the provisions and functions as they apply to Council and in accordance with the Radiocommunications Act 1992.
7 positionsRadiocommunications Act 1992 (Cth)

Manage the Renewal and Maintenance of Domain Names and IP Addresses
Manage the Renewal and Maintenance of Domain Names and IP Addresses.
4 positions

Negotiate and Enter into Leases, Licences, Memorandum of Understanding and other Legal Transactions
Authority to negotiate and enter into any form of Lease, Licence, Memorandum of Understanding or other transaction for use of land or assets, subject to compliance with the Local Government Act 1993, and subject to the General Manager making reasonable enquiries into the appropriate payments to be made to Council and consulting with Council’s solicitor to determine the appropriate format of the legal agreement.
2 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Receive and Investigate Complaints under the Internal Reporting – Public Interest Disclosures Policy
To receive and Investigate Complaints under the Internal Reporting (Public Interest Disclosures Policy) and to authorise action to be taken by the appropriate officer in regard to any complaints or requests received.
5 positions

Receive and Investigate Privacy Complaints
Receive and Investigate Privacy Complaints.
4 positions

Receive Complaints and Authorise Investigation under Child Protection Policy
To receive complaints and authorise investigation under the Child Protection Policy and to determine the action to be taken by the appropriate officer in regard to any complaints or requests received.
4 positions

Reply to and Sign all Routine Correspondence and Other Forms
(a) To reply to all routine correspondence that does not require the prior consideration of Council. (b) To exercise discretion in regard to referring correspondence to various Council officers for attention.
78 positions

Respond to and Liaise with the Minister and the Department
To respond and liaise with the Minister and his/her representatives and the department in relation to correspondence, inquiries or requests for information.
2 positions

Sign Contracts, Deeds and Agreements (including the termination of such documents) that do not require the Council Seal
To sign Contracts, Deeds and Agreements, including Memorandums of Understanding (including the termination of such documents), that do not require the Council Seal.

Please Note: this delegation does not limit the power or function of Council officers under DEG001 to process operational purchase orders.
14 positions

Sign Funding Applications once approved by Council
Sign Funding Applications once approved by Council.
12 positions


Accept Structural and Mechanical Ventilation Drawings
To accept structural drawings, mechanical ventilation and other detailed drawings which comply with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia, Local Government Act 1993, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 and related Australian Standards where an Engineers certification has been submitted (by a practising Engineer or accredited certifier) certifying the design criteria used, and compliance with the relevant statutory codes.
6 positionsBuilding Code of Australia

Local Government Act 1993

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Act as registered certifier in accordance with the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018
Act as registered certifier in accordance with the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018.
7 positionsBuilding and Development Certifiers Act 2018

Act on Council’s behalf in all matters relating to the Companion Animals Act 1998
(a) To act on Council's behalf in all matters relating to the administration of the Dog Impounding contract and service provisions in accordance with Council policy and guidelines. (b) To administer the provisions of the Companion Animals Act 1998 including the authorisations of prosecutions and consideration of appeals for leniency from on the spot fines.
18 positionsCompanion Animals Act 1998

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Annual Holidays Act 1944 and Annual Holidays Regulation 2021
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Annual Holidays Act 1944 and Annual Holidays Regulation 2021
1 positionAnnual Holidays Act 1944

Annual Holidays Regulation 2021

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and associated Regulation.
11 positionsBiodiversity Conservation Act 2016

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Biosecurity Act 2015 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Biosecurity Act 2015 and associated Regulation.
16 positionsBiosecurity Act 2015

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Boarding House Act 2012 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Boarding House Act 2012 and associated Regulation.
8 positionsBoarding Houses Act 2012

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Building and Development Certifiers Act 2018 and associated Regulation.
7 positionsBuilding and Development Certifiers Act 2018

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013 and associated Regulation.
4 positionsCemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 and associated Regulation.
2 positionsChildren (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 and associated Regulation.
9 positionsChildren and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Children's Guardian Act 2019 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Children's Guardian Act 2019 and associated Regulation.
4 positionsChildren's Guardian Act 2019

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Community Land Development Act 2021
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Community Land Development Act 2021
2 positionsCommunity Land Development Act 2021

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Community Land Development Act 2021 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Community Land Development Act 2021 and associated Regulation.
4 positionsCommunity Land Development Act 2021

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Community Land Management Act 2021 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Community Land Management Act 2021 and associated Regulation.
4 positionsCommunity Land Management Act 1989

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Companion Animals Act 1998 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Companion Animals Act 1998 and associated Regulation.
18 positionsCompanion Animals Act 1998

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997 and associated Regulation.
11 positionsContaminated Land Management Act 1997

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Conveyancing Act 1919 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Conveyancing Act 1919 and associated Regulation.
11 positionsConveyancing Act 1919

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and associated Regulation.
3 positionsCrown Land Management Act 2016

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020
4 positionsDesign and Building Practitioners Act 2020

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Disability Inclusion Act 2014
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Disability Inclusion Act 2014
0 positionsDisability Inclusion Act 2014

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021.
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021.
9 positionsEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Fines Act 1996 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Fines Act 1996 and associated Regulation.
5 positionsFines Act 1996

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Fire and Rescue NSW Act 1989 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Fire and Rescue NSW Act 1989 and associated Regulation.
5 positionsFire and Rescue NSW Act 1989

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1957 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1957 and associated Regulation.
7 positionsFluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1957

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Food Act 2003 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Food Act 2003 and associated Regulation.
4 positionsFood Act 2003

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and associated Regulation.
35 positionsGovernment Information (Public Access) Act 2009

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Graffiti Control Act 2008 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Graffiti Control Act 2008 and associated Regulation.
5 positionsGraffiti Control Act 2008

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 and associated Regulation.
21 positionsHealth Records and Information Privacy Act 2002

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (NSW) and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (NSW) and associated Regulation.
7 positionsHeavy Vehicle National Law (NSW)

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Heritage Act 1977 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Heritage Act 1977 and associated Regulation.
7 positionsHeritage Act 1977

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 and associated Regulation.
2 positionsLand Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 and associated Regulation.
3 positionsLand and Environment Court Act 1979

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Library Act 1939 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Library Act 1939 and associated Regulation 2018.
4 positionsLibrary Act 1939

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Liquor Act 2007 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Liquor Act 2007 and associated Regulation.
3 positionsLiquor Act 2007

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.
34 positionsLocal Government (General) Regulation 2021

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Local Government Act 1993
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Local Government Act 1993.
36 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Native Title (New South Wales) Act 1994 and associated Regulation and Native Title Act 1993 (Cth)
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Native Title (New South Wales) Act 1994 and associated Regulation together with the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) to the extent of any inconsistency.
3 positionsNative Title (NSW) Act 1994

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Ombudsman Act 1974 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Ombudsman Act 1974 and associated Regulation.
19 positionsOmbudsman Act 1974

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 and associated Regulation.
11 positionsPlumbing and Drainage Act 2011

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and associated Regulation.
41 positionsPrivacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2022
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2022.
4 positionsProtection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014.
4 positionsProtection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and associated Regulation
19 positionsProtection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Public Health Act 2010 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Public Health Act 2010 and associated Regulation
7 positionsPublic Health Act 2010

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 and associated Regulation
14 positionsPublic Interest Disclosures Act 1994

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Public Works and Procurement Act 1912 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Public Works and Procurement Act 1912 and associated Regulation.
15 positionsPublic Works and Procurement Act 1912

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Radiocommunications Act 1992 (Cth) and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Radiocommunications Act 1992 (Cth) and associated Regulation.
9 positionsRadiocommunications Act 1992 (Cth)

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Real Property Act 1900 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Real Property Act 1900 and associated Regulation.
9 positionsReal Property Act 1900

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Recreation Vehicles Act 1983 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Recreation Vehicles Act 1983 and associated Regulation.
6 positionsRecreation Vehicles Act 1983

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Road Rules 2014
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Road Rules 2014.
24 positionsRoad Rules 2014

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Road Transport Act 2013 and Road Transport (General) Regulation 2021
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Road Transport Act 2013 and Road Transport (General) Regulation 2021.
23 positionsRoads Transport Act 2013

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Roads Act 1993 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Roads Act 1993 and associated Regulation.
35 positionsRoads Act 1993

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Rural Fires Act 1997 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Rural Fires Act 1997 and associated Regulation.
9 positionsRural Fires Act 1997

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 and associated Regulation.
7 positionsState Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the State Emergency Service Act 1989 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the State Emergency Service Act 1989 and associated Regulation.
11 positionsState Emergency Services Act 1989

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the State Records Act 1998 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the State Records Act 1998 and associated Regulation.
5 positionsState Records Act 1998

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016.
4 positionsStrata Schemes Development Act 2015

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 and Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016.
4 positionsStrata Schemes Management Act 2015

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 and Swimming Pools Regulation 2018
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 and Swimming Pools Regulation 2018.
7 positionsSwimming Pools Act 1992

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Unclaimed Money Act 1995 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Unclaimed Money Act 1995 and associated Regulation.
4 positionsUnclaimed Money Act 1995

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001 and associated Regulation.
4 positionsWaste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Water Management Act 2000 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Water Management Act 2000 and associated Regulation.
5 positionsWater Management Act 2000

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and associated Regulation.
40 positionsWork Health and Safety Act 2011

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Workers Compensation Act 1987 and associated Regulation.
5 positionsWorkers Compensation Act 1987

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 and associated Regulation.
5 positionsWorkplace Injury Management

Workers Compensation Act 1998

Administer the Provisions and Functions of the, Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021 and associated Regulation
Administer the Provisions and Functions of the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021 and associated Regulation
18 positionsPublic Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021

Approve Applications for Charity Collections
To approve applications for charity collections in the local business district(s).
4 positions

Approve Applications for Filming/Photographing in Parks, Reserves and Public Places
To approve applications to film/photograph in Council’s parks, reserves and public places subject to the conditions and fees determined by Council.
15 positions

Approve Applications for Strata/Subdivision Plans
To approve applications for strata/subdivision that comply with the Local Government Act 1993 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 and the relevant provisions of the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and associated regulations; and any development consent issued (including release of the Subdivision plans and Certificates), including signature/endorsement of linen plans.
4 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Strata Schemes Development Act 2015

Approve Applications for Street Activities, Street Stalls and Issue Busking Permits
  • To approve applications for street stalls, button days, appeals but excluding door-knock appeals.
  • To approve applications for street stalls within the area in accordance with Council's policy and practice.
  • To issue busking permits subject to Council's policies and conditions.
5 positions
Approve Applications for the Removal of Vehicular Crossings
To approve or refuse applications for the removal of vehicular crossings.
11 positions

Approve or Refuse an Application for Road Rules 2014 Compliance Signs
To approve or refuse an application for Road Rules 2014 compliance signs (for example, 10m “No Stopping” restrictions at intersections), where the NSW Police agree with the approval or refusal.
8 positionsRoad Rules 2014

Approve or Refuse an Application for Signs across Driveways
To approve or refuse an application for signs or line marking across a driveway, where the NSW Police agree with the approval or refusal.
8 positions

Approve or Refuse an Application for Traffic Bollards
Approve or Refuse an Application for Traffic Bollards.
11 positions

Approve or Refuse Applications for Construction Certificates
(a) To approve or refuse applications for Construction Certificates which comply in all respects with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia, the Local Government Act 1993, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021, Council’s Planning Controls and Policies and do not depart from the conditions and plans of the development consent. (b) To refuse an application for Construction Certificate proposing the erection of a building which does not comply with the requirements of either Council's LEP, the Building Code of Australia, the Local Government Act 1993, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021, there under or relevant conditions of development consent.
4 positionsBuilding Code of Australia

Local Government Act 1993

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Council’s Planning Controls and Policies

Approve or refuse applications for pruning or removal of council trees
Approve or refuse an application to prune, top, lop or remove trees or vegetation on Council’s property.
5 positions

Approve or Refuse to grant Council’s consent to a third party development application that may traverse or Impact upon Council Land
Approve or Refuse to grant Council’s consent to a third party development application that may traverse or Impact upon Council Land.
2 positions

Approve Storm Water Drainage Work Connections from Private Property to Council’s Storm Water Systems
To approve or refuse all connections from private property to Council’s storm water systems where those works are for the sole benefit of the development and do not revert to the core control and management of the Council.
8 positions

Approve Storm Water Drainage Works Connections that Revert to Council
Where the Council has approved a subdivision/development subject to the construction of a storm water drainage works that revert to the care, control and management of Council by the applicant, to approve such works upon submission of all necessary plans and documentation.
7 positions

Approve Temporary Road Closures
To approve temporary road closures where: • The temporary road closure is not more than two consecutive days. • Transport for NSW approves the Traffic Management Plan and grants a road occupancy licence (as required). • The NSW Police approve the closure. • The application complies with Council’s Conditions of Closure.
13 positions

Approve the Casual Use of Council Parks and Properties
To approve or refuse applications for the casual use of parks in accordance with policies and subject to approved fees (if any).
5 positions

Approve the Construction of Vehicular Crossings and Footpath Restorations
To approve or refuse the construction of vehicular crossings and/or restoration works on Council land or over Council controlled road reserves.
10 positions

Approve the Consumption of Alcohol for Special Events at Council's Premises
Approve the Consumption of Alcohol for Special Events at Council's Premises.
5 positions

Approve the Installation of Additional Street Lighting
To approve the installation of additional street lighting facilities and associated charges.
9 positions

Approve the Installation of Traffic Facilities
To approve the installation of individual Traffic Facilities projects, where:
• the individual Traffic Facility project forms part of that financial year’s Traffic Facilities Program which has previously been approved.
• after conducting a survey of local residents, the majority favours the proposed traffic facility design.
• Subject to compliance with any applicable Council policies.
8 positions

Approve the Installation of Warning Signs
To approve the installation of warning signs, where: .The definition of warning sign is as defined in the Australian Standard (AS1742.1-2021) .The proposed sign can be found in Section 3 Warning Signs of the Australian Standard (AS1742.1-2021) .The NSW Police agree with the installation.
14 positions

Approve the Use of Community Buses
To approve all requests for the use of Council’s community buses in accordance with Council’s policy and fees and to grant discounts/rebates in accordance with policy.
0 positions

Approve, Refuse or Condition Applications for School/Community Groups Visitation to Council Properties
To approve, refuse or condition any application for school and community group visitation to Council owned or controlled properties.
5 positions

Authorise Amendments to the Rate Register
Authority to: (a) amend the rate and valuation books/records where such amendment is necessary by reason of change of ownership, occupancy or address; (b) insert in the rate book the name of a rate or person whose land has not been valued because of an omission by the Valuer General in terms of the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993;
(c) insert the name of any person who ought to have been rated or who since the making of the rate has become liable to be rated;
(d) strike out the name of any person who ought not to have been rated;
(e) raise or reduce the sum of rates owing due to error;
(f) include any land which ought to have been rated;
(g) to write off accrued interest to a maximum of $50.
6 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Authorise and Sign Notices to Quit to Tenants of Council Properties
To authorise and sign notices to quit to tenants whose rent arrears exceed four weeks, or to take such alternative action necessary to manage tenants and recover outstanding rent or payments.
2 positions

Authorise Contribution to Cost of Dividing Fences on Council Property
Authority to contribute on behalf of Council half the cost of fencing a boundary common to land owned by Council or under the Council’s care, control and management subject to two quotations being obtained and subject to compliance with the Dividing Fences Act 1991, where applicable.
2 positionsDividing Fences Act 1991

Authorise Expenditure for Maintenance and Replacement of Council Motor Vehicles and Plant
To requisition and authorise the expenditure of funds for the repair, maintenance and replacement of Council’s plant, equipment and vehicles.
9 positions

Authorise One-off Variations of Working Hours on Building Work Sites where the Matter is one of Public Safety
To authorise a one-off variation to the restricted hours of building works where: (a) urgent building works to be carried out; (b) large cranes have to stand on streets; (c) the loading/unloading of materials and pouring of the concrete which would otherwise cause interference to traffic; and (d) the erection or removal of hoarding tower cranes, awnings and the like.
10 positions

Authorise the Issue of On-the-Spot Penalty Notices
To authorise the issue of ‘on-the-spot’ penalty infringement notices and to commence Court proceedings where necessary.
23 positions

Authorise the Maintenance and Repair of Council Properties
To authorise repairs/maintenance of Council’s buildings, equipment and plant within the limits approved in the annual budget.
9 positions

Authorise the Purchase, De-commissioning and Donation of Library Books
Authorise the Purchase, De-commissioning and Donation of Library Books.
4 positions

Authorise Withdrawal of Penalty Infringement – Leniency/Hardship or Technical Flaws
To withdraw Penalty Infringement Notices, or Proceedings instituted by Council in reliance upon such a notice, where (excluding cases where the delegate was the originator or signatory to the Penalty Notice):
(a) there is a technical flaw in the notice; or 
(b) following consideration of representations relating to Leniency, Hardship, or prospects of successful prosecution.
2 positions

Authority on behalf of the Council as an aviation industry participant to undertake all functions in relation to a transport security program in accordance with Part 2 of the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and in particular sections 18, 22, 23A and 26A.
Authority on behalf of the Council as an aviation industry participant to undertake all functions in relation to a transport security program in accordance with Part 2 of the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and in particular sections 18, 22, 23A and 26A.
6 positionsAviation Transport Security Act 2004

Authority to exercise and/or perform on behalf of the Council the Council's delegable functions as an airport operator and/or an aviation industry participant under the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and Aviation Transport Security Regulation 2005
Authority to exercise and/or perform on behalf of the Council the Council's delegable functions as an airport operator and/or an aviation industry participant under the Aviation Transport Security Act 2004 and Aviation Transport Security Regulation 2005.
6 positionsAviation Transport Security Act 2004

Aviation Transport Security Regulation 2005

Consider and approve or decline a written request by an applicant for an exception from a development standard (variation) under clause 4.6 of Council's Local Environmental Plan
Consider and approve or decline a written request by an applicant for an exception from a development standard (variation) under clause 4.6 of Council's Local Environmental Plan
0 positions
Determine Complying Development Applications made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and relevant Regulations. (Including applications made under Part 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979)
To determine complying development applications that comply with relevant Acts and Regulations. Note: Excluding, when an application relates to land owned or controlled by Council, or Council is the applicant, or where a Councillor or a member of senior staff or staff member subordinate to Manager Development, Building & Compliance is the landowner or applicant. All these excluded matters must be refereed to Council for determination.
4 positions
Determine Development Applications (including Section 4.55 and Modification Applications) made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and relevant Regulations
(a) To determine development applications (including applications made pursuant to Section 4.55 and Section 4.56 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979) that comply with relevant Acts and Regulations together with Council's LEP and DCP, any other relevant DCP and Council policies and no material objections have been received. (b) To determine development applications (including applications made pursuant to Section 4.55 and Section 4.56 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as (a) above except where approval of the application would result in a material adverse impact on a person who made a written objection to the application due to non-compliance with a development standard in Council’s LEP. Delegated approval is permissible if that objection can be resolved through a condition of consent or has been addressed by way of amendment to plans. (c) To determine applications made pursuant to and in accordance with Section 4.55 and Section 4.56 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and relevant Regulations, where objections have been received but those objections do not raise any issues not covered when the original application was determined. Note: (1) Notwithstanding subclauses (a) and (b) above, any development application or application to modify a consent must be referred to Council for determination, following a written request from at least two Councillors to the General Manager. (2) Notwithstanding subclauses (a) and (b) above, any development application or application to modify a consent that, in the opinion of the Manager Development Building and Compliance, is of significant public interest or where any determination may result in major policy implications must be referred to Council for determination.
(3) Excluding where subclauses (a), (b) or (c) above, relates to land owned or controlled by Council, or Council is the applicant, or where a Councillor or a member of senior staff or staff member subordinate to Manager Development, Building & Compliance is the land owner or applicant. All these excluded matters must be refereed to Council for determination. 
8 positions
Determine Extensions of Development Consent
To determine applications for extensions of time in regard to use or development consent in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 where the proposal generally complies with current planning controls.
4 positionsEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Determine Public Notification of Applications
(a) To determine whether an application should be exempted from notification in accordance with Council policy. (b) To determine such persons who own land or who reside in properties that may be detrimentally affected by the development and to ensure such persons are notified in accordance with Council’s policy.
6 positions

Determine Subdivision Certificate Applications made under Part 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
To determine subdivision certificate applications that comply with relevant Acts and Regulations.


Excluding, when an application relates to land owned or controlled by Council, or Council is the applicant, or where a Councillor or a member of senior staff or staff member subordinate to Manager Development, Building & Compliance is the landowner or applicant. All these excluded matters must be refereed to Council for determination.

4 positions
Determine Subdivision Works Certificate Applications made under Part 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
To determine subdivision works certificate applications that comply with relevant Acts and Regulations.


Excluding, when an application relates to land owned or controlled by Council, or Council is the applicant, or where a Councillor or a member of senior staff or staff member subordinate to Manager Development, Building & Compliance is the landowner or applicant. All these excluded matters must be refereed to Council for determination.

7 positions
Determine the Disposal Price and Time of Council Plant and Equipment by Auction
To determine the disposal price and time of disposal for Council’s plant and equipment.
9 positions

Determine the Fee for the Provision of Council Employees as Witnesses and Information in Court Cases
To determine the fee to be charged for the provision of Council’s employees as witnesses and/or the supplying of information for Court cases in accordance with Council’s fees and charges adopted by Resolution of Council.
4 positions

Determine the Reserve Price and Disposal of Plant, Equipment and Vehicles by Public Auction, Tender or Trade-in
Authority to: (a) approve a sale price for Council plant, equipment or vehicles by public auction, tender or trade-in if: .the best offer is more than 10% below the reserve price; and / or .the reserve price has been set by consulting either a valuer, auctioneer, or professional book (ie, Red Book); and / or .results from previous auctions for similar plant, equipment or vehicles has been considered. (b) determine the reserve price and disposal method for IT equipment
9 positions

Determine Water Restrictions
To impose water restrictions on fixed hoses and sprinklers and to lift such restrictions when appropriate.
2 positions

Endorse/Sign Positive Covenants, Easements and Section 88B Instruments under the Conveyancing Act 1919
(a) To approve and sign the grant or removal of a positive covenant or restriction contained in any positive covenant, easement and/or section 88B instrument under the Conveyancing Act 1919. (b) To suspend the operation of any regulatory instrument in reliance upon section 3.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and subject to any Council Policy and applicable legislation. Note: Excluding where subclauses (a) and (b) above relates to land owned by Council or where the instrument was imposed by Council. All matters excluded must be referred to Council for determination.
8 positionsEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Conveyancing Act 1919

Enforce the Payment of Rates
To issue notices under the Local Government Act 1993 Act for the recovery of rates. To approve alternative options for the collection of outstanding rates, including collection of rent in lieu of rates, issuing of proceedings, accepting exchange of land and such other alternatives available to Council under the Local Government Act 1993.
6 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Engage Contractors for the Removal of Derelict Vehicles from Roads, Road Reserves and Public Places
Authority to engage contractors to remove derelict vehicles from roads, road reserves and public places in accordance with the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021.
17 positionsPublic Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021

Exercise all powers of Council under the Library Act 1939
Exercise all powers of Council under the Library Act 1939.
4 positionsLibrary Act 1939

Exercise Authority under the Roads Act 1993 in connection with the assessment of Development Applications, Construction Certificates and Complying Development Certificates
Exercise Authority under the Roads Act 1993 in connection with the assessment of Development Applications, Construction Certificates and Complying Development Certificates (a) Fix the levels of the public roads. (b) Determine levels of public roads after considering public submissions. (c) Direct restoration of road works. (d) Regulate traffic by means of barriers or notices. (e) Enter upon any land subject to the requirements of the Roads Act 1993. (f) Carry out inspections and investigations upon any land subject to the requirements of the Roads Act 1993. (g) Remove, place guard around any matter or thing within a road which in his opinion may be a danger to the public. (h) Direct any person causing an obstruction or danger in a road to remove such obstruction or danger (including the removal of redundant gutter crossing, kerbs and footpaths). (i) To approve or refuse the construction of vehicular crossings and/or restoration works. (j) Prevent the damage of or interface with any public road (k) Determine applications for hoarding permits.
15 positionsRoads Act 1993

Exercise Council’s Power to Carry out Work on Private Land for an Amount fixed by Council
To exercise Council’s power to carry out work on private land, subject to the consent of the owner and/or a legal right for Council to carry out the works.
10 positions

Exercise the Powers of Council’s Impounding Officer
Exercise the Powers of Council’s Impounding Officer.
14 positions

Exercise the Powers of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989
Exercise the Powers of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 as delegated under Section 378 of the Local Government Act 1993, to be the Chairperson of the Local Emergency Management Committee.
7 positionsState Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989

To use a firearm in the course of employment by Council (and strictly in accordance with any limitations or directions contained within the delegate's employment contract and /or position description) where the delegate is exercising a power or function of Council, and subject to holding an appropriate licence/permit and complying with the Firearms Act 1996 and the Firearms Regulation 2017
0 positionsFirearms Act 1996 and Firearms Regulation 2017

Implement the Adopted Operational Plan and Four-Year Delivery Program
To implement any work, service or action provided for in the adopted Delivery Program / Operational plan without further reference to Council except for: ; the acceptance of tenders which are required under the Local Government Act 1993 to be invited by the Council, and ; the determination of project priorities where lump sum funding for a program has been provided.
13 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Install and Refuse Applications in Special Use Zones
To install and refuse an application for the following Special Use Zones:
• Works Zones
• Loading Zones
• Mail Zones
• Motorcycle Parking
• Bus Zone
• Taxi Zone
• Police Vehicles Zone
• Disabled Parking
• Temporary Bus Zones (for example, railway buses).
Approval for the installation of all these Special Use Zones will be granted only where the NSW Police agree to the installation. In addition, approval for the installation of Mail Zones will be granted only where Australia Post agree to the installation; and approval for the installation of Bus Zones will be granted where Transport for NSW agree to the installation.
8 positions

Installation and operation of body worn cameras and the retrieval of their footage
Installation and operation of body worn cameras and the retrieval of their footage in accordance with  Surveillance Devices Act 2007
9 positionsSurveillance Devices Act 2007

Installation of IT surveillance and Tracking surveillance and the operation and retrieval of their footage and data
Installation of IT surveillance and Tracking surveillance and the operation and retrieval of their footage and data in accordance with, but not limited to, the following legislation (a) Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (b) Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (c) Workplace Video Surveillance Act 1998 (Cth).
9 positionsSurveillance Devices Act 2007

Workplace Surveillance Act 2005

Workplace Video Surveillance Act 1998

Issue Approvals under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 where Public Safety is an Issue
Issue Approvals under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 where Public Safety is an Issue.
10 positionsRoads Act 1993

Issue Building Information Certificates, Classification / Occupancy Certificates
To approve, refuse and sign all building information certificates and certificates of classifications and certificates of occupancies required under the Local Government Act 1993, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021 and/or the Building Code of Australia.
7 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Building Code of Australia

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices for parking offences under the Local Government Act 1993, Road Transport Act 2013 and Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices for parking offences under the Local Government Act 1993, Road Transport Act 2013 and Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021
16 positionsPublic Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Biosecurity Act 2015
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Biosecurity Act 2015
9 positionsBiosecurity Act 2015

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Boarding Houses Act 2012
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Boarding Houses Act 2012
8 positionsBoarding Houses Act 2012

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Companion Animals Act 1998
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Companion Animals Act 1998
17 positionsCompanion Animals Act 1998

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Companion Animals Regulation 2018
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Companion Animals Regulation 2018
15 positionsCompanion Animals Regulations 2018

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Crown Land Management Act 2016
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Crown Land Management Act 2016
3 positionsCrown Land Management Act 2016

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
9 positionsEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021.
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021.
9 positionsEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Food Act 2003
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Food Act 2003
4 positionsFood Act 2003

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Food Regulation 2015
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Food Regulation 2015
4 positionsFood Regulation 2015

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Graffiti Control Act 2008 and Graffiti Control Regulation 2014
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Graffiti Control Act 2008 and Graffiti Control Regulation 2014
9 positionsGraffiti Control Act 2008

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Local Government Act 1993
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Local Government Act 1993
20 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2022
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2022
4 positionsProtection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulations 2021

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017
4 positionsProtection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulations 2017

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014
16 positionsProtection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
4 positionsProtection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Public Health Act 2010
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Public Health Act 2010
4 positionsPublic Health Act 2010

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Public Health Regulation 2022
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Public Health Regulation 2022
4 positionsPublic Health Regulation 2012

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021
16 positionsPublic Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Road Rules 2014
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Road Rules 2014
14 positionsRoad Rules 2014

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Road Transport (General) Regulation 2021
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Road Transport (General) Regulation 2021
6 positionsRoad Transport (General) Regulation 2013

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Roads Act 1993
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Roads Act 1993
17 positionsRoads Act 1993

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Roads Regulation 2018
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Roads Regulation 2018
10 positionsRoads Regulation 2018

Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Swimming Pools Act 1992
Issue General Infringement/Penalty Notices relating to Swimming Pools Act 1992
6 positionsSwimming Pools Act 1992

Issue Notices of Intention to Issue Orders and Orders under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Issue Notices of Intention to Issue Orders and Development Control Orders under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
9 positionsEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Issue Notices of Intention to Issue Orders and Orders under the Local Government Act 1993
Issue Notices of Intention to Issue Orders under section 124 and section 132 the Local Government Act 1993.
23 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Issue Notices of Intention, Notices and Declarations under the Companion Animals Act 1998
Issue Notices of Intention, Notices and Declarations under the Companion Animals Act 1998.
18 positionsCompanion Animals Act 1998

Issue Notices to require the Payment of Rent in lieu of Rates
To issue notices under the Local Government Act 1993 for the recovery of outstanding rates by requiring the payment of rent to Council in lieu of rates.
4 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Issue of Permits, Certificates or Approvals
To approve or refuse the issue of permits, certificates and approvals for activities that are required to be regulated under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 or related legislation; including, but not limited to: ; Section 68 Approvals under the Local Government Act 1993; ; Subdivision certificates
2 positions
Issue of Permits, Certificates or Approvals
To approve or refuse the issue of permits, certificates and approvals for activities that are required to be regulated under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 or related legislation; including, but not limited to: ; Section 68 Approvals under the Local Government Act 1993; ; all building information certificates, construction certificates, certificates of classifications and occupation certificates.
4 positions
Issue of Permits, Certificates or Approvals
To approve or refuse the issue of permits, certificates and approvals for activities that are required to be regulated under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 or Section 68 Approvals under the Local Government Act 1993.
1 position
Issue of Permits, Certificates or Approvals
To approve or refuse the issue of permits, certificates and approvals for activities under the provisions of Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.
14 positions
Issue or Carry on Proceedings (including prosecutions)
To lay information, to initiate or carry on, to act on behalf of Council, and to negotiate on matters in issue between parties, in any proceedings in any Court or Tribunal, including but not limited to, the Local, District or Supreme Courts of any State or Territory, any Industrial Relations Commission or Court, and the Land and Environment Court.
13 positions
Issue or Carry on Proceedings (including prosecutions), and to act and negotiate on behalf of Council on Legal issues
To authorise the issue or withdrawal of any penalty infringement notices or complaint or the institution of any proceedings for the recovery of any penalty or the making of any order for or in respect of any offence, nuisance, or any other matter or thing whatsoever which the Council might be entitled to recover or seek under any Act or Regulation.
5 positions
Issue Orders, Directions and Notices under the Roads Act 1993.
Issue Orders, Directions and Notices under the Roads Act 1993.
19 positionsRoads Act 1993

Issue Prevention Notices, Clean up Notices or Prohibition Notices under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
Issue Prevention Notices, Clean up Notices or Prohibition Notices under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
16 positionsProtection of the Environment Operations Act 1997

Issued with a Certificate of Authority (Entering of Premises)
To enter any premises for the purposes of enabling the Council to exercise its functions under relevant Acts.
60 positions
Let or Hire Council Plant and Equipment and Determine Plant and Equipment Hire Rates
To let or hire any of the Council’s public works, plant, machinery and equipment in accordance with rates determined by Council.
10 positions

Make Sign Adjustments
To undertake the following sign adjustments:
• Change existing parking restriction times to Council’s standard times;
• Move existing signs to a more visible location (for example, move a sign hidden behind a tree trunk);
• Install “repeater”/additional signs (for example, where there are existing parking restrictions signs, install an additional sign in the middle to emphasise the restrictions).
• Change old “No Standing” signs to “No Parking” signs as per the Australian Road Rules.
10 positions

Manage Issues relating to Numbering of Buildings
To require owners or occupiers of land on which buildings are erected and which have frontages/entrances from roads, to mark the building, fence or road frontage with such numbers and in the manner and form that may from time to time be required.
8 positions

Manage the Council’s Motor Vehicle Fleet
To control Council’s motor vehicle fleet in the following matters: (a) Authority to drive; (b) Private use of vehicles; (c) Council and user records; (d) Allocation of vehicles; (e) Alternative user procedures initial equipment including tyres, general maintenance and cleaning of cars.
6 positions

Operate and maintain Council’s Cemetery/Crematorium in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements
Operate and maintain Council’s Cemetery/Crematorium in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements.
14 positions

Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013

Operate and Maintain Council’s Children’s Services in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements
Operate and Maintain Council’s Children’s Services in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements.
5 positions

Operate and Maintain Council’s Waste Management Centre (Landfill) in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements
Operate and Maintain Council’s Waste Management Centre (Landfill) in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements.
4 positions

Operate and Maintain the Council Airport in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements and Council's applicable operation manual
Operate and Maintain the Council Airport in accordance with all applicable legislative requirements and Council's applicable operation manual.
6 positions

Order Supplies, Plant and Equipment Authorised under Requisition
To order all supplies, materials, plant, equipment and vehicles upon the issue of an appropriate authorised requisition.
47 positions

Perform the Functions in relation to Local Environment Plans
Perform the Functions in relation to Local Environmental Plans subject to the Minister delegating functions under Section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and subject to Council resolving to accept the Ministerial delegation. Only those functions identified in the Ministerial delegation may be carried out. Note: Some functions in relation to the preparation of LEP's need a resolution of council as per s.3.31 and s.3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
3 positionsEnvironmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Resolve or Authorise Settlement of Liability Claims
To resolve claims on Council’s behalf (a) up to the excess on insurance policies (b) above the level of the excess applicable to each insurance policy where an insurance claim is not made or an insurance claim is not accepted by the insurer, or (c) there is no insurance in place.
15 positions

Review Notice of Determinations
To review Notice of Determinations issued under delegated authority in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 and Environmental Planning and Assessment (Development Certification and Fire Safety) Regulation 2021. Note: Reviewer is not to be original determiner or subordinate of original determiner in accordance with limitation imposed by Section 377(1)(o) of the Local Government Act 1993.
3 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000

Sign as Owner of Council Properties for Applications for Development/Building Consent
Sign as Owner of Council Properties for Applications for Development/Building Consent.
2 positions

Suspend or cancel the operation of an Alcohol-Free Zone in accordance with section 645 of the Local Government Act 1993.
Suspend or cancel the operation of an Alcohol-Free Zone in accordance with section 645 of the Local Government Act 1993.
2 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Take Legal Action for the Recovery of Unpaid Rates and Charges and Unpaid Sundry Debtors
To take all necessary legal action at any time for the recovery of unpaid rates and charges and unpaid sundry debtors in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.
4 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

To Administer the Provisions of the Roads Act 1993 and Road Transport Act 2013, and any subordinate legislation, including the Road Rules 2014, as they apply to Council
To Administer the Provisions of the Roads Act 1993 and Road Transport Act 2013, and any subordinate legislation, including the Road Rules 2014, as they apply to Council, subject to any applicable standards, protocols and directions from State Government departments and/or NSW Police, and inclusive of any delegation made to Council and/or its officers by the State Government, a Minister, Department or Agency under such Acts or Regulations, subject to any conditions imposed on that delegation.
19 positionsRoads Act 1993

Road Rules 2014

Staffing Matters

Approve a Report of Injury to Council’s Workers Compensation Insurer
Approve a Report of Injury to Council’s Workers Compensation Insurer.
15 positions

Approve Claims for the Loss of Personal Property – Staff
To approve or refuse claims for the loss of personal property provided that such property was required for the normal performance of the staff member's duties in terms of Council's policy and practice and the personal property was lost or destroyed in the course of employment through no fault or negligence of the employee.
2 positions

Approve Council Employment Agreements in accordance with the Local Government (State) Award 2023
Approve Council Employment Agreements in accordance with the Local Government (State) Award 2023.
2 positionsLocal Government (State) Award 2020

Approve Employment Outside of Council
To approve or refuse staff to engage, for remuneration, in private employment or contract work outside of the Council.
2 positions

Approve Job Status Change/Higher Grade Salary for Short Term
Approve job status change/higher grade pay in short term acting situations in accordance with Council’s Policies.
12 positions

Approve Leave
Approve or refuse leave having due regard to the proper functioning of the Council and maintenance of appropriate levels of service to the public and compliance with Council’s Policies including: (a) Long service (all types); (b) Annual; (c) Sick (Full Pay); (d) Carers; (e) Bereavement; (f) Jury service; (g) Trade union training leave; (h) Union conference leave; (i) Parental/maternity leave; (j) Emergency services (up to 5 days per calendar year); (k) Defence Force Reserve; (l) Study leave (if education assistance already approved); (m) Leave without pay; (n) Concurrent parental leave; (o) Purchased annual leave; (p) Approved leave of absence; (q) Sick (Half Pay); (r) Health and Wellbeing leave; and (s) Special leave with or without leave.
16 positions

Approve or Refuse a Standard Appointment Recruitment Process
Approve the appointment, engagement, or promotion of staff in accordance with Council’s Policies.
2 positions

Approve or Refuse Career Enhancement Support
Approve or refuse education assistance to staff in accordance with Council’s Career Enhancement Procedure.
13 positions

Approve or Refuse Flexible Work Arrangements
Approve or refuse flexible work arrangements for staff in accordance with Council’s Policies.
12 positions

Approve or Refuse Payment of Allowances and Employment Entitlements and Benefits
Approve or refuse payment of allowances and employment entitlements and benefits in accordance with the Local Government (State) Award 2023 and applicable employment contracts.
12 positionsLocal Government (State) Award 2020

Approve Overtime Payments
Approve or refuse the payment of overtime in accordance with the Local Government (State) Award 2023.
12 positionsLocal Government (State) Award 2020

Approve Performance Bonus Payments for Staff
Approve Performance Bonus payments for staff in accordance with Council’s Policies.
2 positions

Approve Professional Development
Approve attendance at professional development programs and reasonable out of pocket expenses, with pay in the following cases: (a) Position related training resulting from skill set assessments or skills development (b) Position related training for trainees and apprentices (c) Specialist technical/skill related training, for example, First Aid, Forklift (d) Conferences and seminars (e) Corporate/organisational programs (f) Professional development where staff are full members of a relevant professional body and are required to maintain a number of PD hours per annum (g) Field days/Trade events where it is considered relevant to Council operations (h) Executive or professional board meetings.
12 positions

Approve Salary Step Progressions for Staff
Approve salary step progression for staff in accordance with the Agreement and Council’s Reward and Recognition Framework Policy and the Local Government (State) Award 2023.
2 positionsLocal Government (State) Award 2020

Approve the Reclassification of Staff
To reclassify all staff in accordance with Council’s Reward and Recognition Framework or equivalent policies.
2 positions

Approve Travelling and Subsistence Expenses
(a) To approve or refuse the payment of domestic travel and subsistence expenses to staff in accordance with Council’s Policies.
12 positions
Approve Travelling and Subsistence Expenses
(b) To approve or refuse the payment of international travel and subsistence expenses to staff in accordance with Council’s Policies.
(c) To approve or refuse overseas travel where it relates to training, operational or professional activities.
2 positions
Approve Variations to Industrial Instruments for Leave, Allowances or Conditions of Employment for not less than conditions in the Local Government (State) Award 2023
Approve variations to the relevant industrial agreements for leave, allowances or conditions of employment for staff employed under the Local Government (State) Award 2023 in accordance with the relevant industrial relations legislation.
2 positionsLocal Government (State) Award 2020

Authorise and Co-authorise Tax File Number (TFN) Declaration Forms
Authorise and Co-authorise Tax File Number (TFN) Declaration Forms.
5 positions

Authorise Personal Use of Council Equipment by Staff
To determine any requests for personal use of Council equipment for the undertaking of any work, and to determine in consultation with the relevant executive officer appropriate rental/hire charges for such use.
2 positions

Deal with Industrial Disputes
To deal with industrial disputes within the terms of existing Industrial Instruments.
2 positions

Dismiss Employees
To dismiss employees or consultants/contractors on such terms that the General Manager deems appropriate, provided that prior to the dismissal of senior staff the General Manager consults with Council in accordance with section 337 of the Local Government Act 1993.
13 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Employ Staff to fill Short Term Casual Vacancies
Employ Staff to fill Short Term Casual Vacancies.
2 positions

Hear Appeals by Employees regarding Employee Relations Issues
To hear appeals by employees against decisions of other employees, in accordance with Council’s Employee Grievance Procedure or similar policies.
12 positions

Provide a Reference to a Potential Employer
To provide a reference to a potential employer with the consent of a current or former employee:
(a) Verbal references can be provided to a potential employer.
(b) Written references on Council letterhead can only be provided by the General Manager and Section Managers.
Without the consent of a current or former employee the only information that can be provided to a potential employer, is confirmation that the person has worked for Council, the duration of that work and the position occupied during that time.
3 positions

• Approve or refuse the appointment, engagement, or promotion of staff, subject to compliance with section 337 of the Local Government Act 1993 for Senior Staff
• Approve or refuse the use of a recruitment consultant.
2 positionsLocal Government Act 1993

Refuse, Approve or Conditionally Approve the Use of Intellectual Property Created in the Course of Employment with Council
To refuse, approve or conditionally approve any request by an existing or previous employee of Council for the non-exclusive use of intellectual property of the Council created by the employee during the course of their employment with Council, providing there is no monetary or commercial benefit to the employee.
2 positions

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